
Kenyan Child Foundation - Registered Charity Number (RCN) 20100452 - Approved by the Charities Regulator

+353 87 9068221
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Hollypark twinning

IMG_1240The Kenyan Child Foundation is pleased to announce that Hollypark BNS is officially twinned with St. Patrick’s Primary School, Kawese, Kenya. This follows close collaboration between both institutions and promises a period of fruitful dialogue.

Both schools share the same name, “St. Patrick’s”, and this new link will be most beneficial in deepening knowledge and fostering relationships between of African and Irish cultures.





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Spring 2016

IMG_7897The Kenyan Child Foundation would like to thank all those involved in the Hollypark Christmas Card and Bake Sale fundraisers earlier this year. Each campaign was a resounding success and raised €5.000 in total. The teaching staff, Parent Association and students of Hollypark worked seamlessly together during both projects.  Our actions in creating the ‘Human Christmas Tree’ as well as the delicious cakes and treats at the Bake sale will be remembered for years to come.





IMG_7896 (1)These funds will go a long way in Kawese, Kenya.  We hope to extend the current school building with the aim to construct a new teaching wing. This will considerably upgrade the current facilities and will offer a modern education to new students in the area. We, as well as the people in Kawese, greatly appreciate the generosity and efforts of all those at Hollypark.







From L/R: Karl Foley , Ross Mac Mathuna , John C Mc Carrick, John Mc Carrick

From L/R: Karl Foley , Ross Mac Mathuna , John C Mc Carrick, John Mc Carrick

Spirit Motors Twilight Team Challenge 5km

Winning-Team-PhotoThe Kenyan Child Foundation Team – Winners of the International Team Prize and in an  impressive 3rd  Place Finish overall out of 93 teams in very fast time for 5km X 4 = 20Km (1.22.35) in “Spirit Motors Twilight Team Challenge 5km Race at Sandyford Business District on October 1st 2015.

Winning Prize Money was donated to The Kenya Child Foundation going directly to the current Educational Project at St Patrick Primary School Kawese, Machakos County, Kenya.